If there was a Baruch blog, students can utilize the blog to discuss general topics, ask questions, etc. Also there can be course specific blogs related to Baruch, such as a CIS, English, accounting courses blogs. Blogs are also a good way for students to get to know each other, which i think is a good method of getting to know one another for socially challenged people.
Second Life
Virtual worlds have been a big success as a method of teaching students. Colleges such as Harvard has used second life to host class room discussions, debates and other class activities, and has proven quite successful. Baruch could use virtual worlds in similar fashions that otehr colleges has used them and also Baruch can easily build its Virtual Vertical Campus building since the Interior of the VC building is almost identical at every floor.
Citron Plant
6 months ago
Jakson you right Baruch College can use Blogs to share information about different subject. I know BMMCC using blogs for CPE.I think that will be another great way to utilize blogs where we can discuss about different topic. And about Second life i guess they can form it as lecture for different classes so if we miss any class we can take it online.