The project I would like to talk about is Jennifer Wong's project on Gold Farming. Ever since I started college I haven't spent a lot of time playing a lot of video games, but I love video games. Anyways, Jennifer's project on Gold Farming is about how countries such as China, Philipines, and Malaysia , hire people to play MMORPGs in order to generate virtual gold and then sell it for actual money. I looked up some exchange rates and I saw one site selling 500 gold for $6.50. Now I'm not even sure if the website I found comes from people who exploit the practices of gold farming, but I'm sure this is an average exchange rate.
The working conditions of these Gold Farmers is comparable to that of a sweat shop. Long hours, low wages, and unsanitary sleeping and eating conditions. The people hired to play are forced to work 12 hours a day with little or no breaks. And what's worse is that they cannot even escape because they give up their citizens card.
I particularly liked this project because it was video game related and like I said I like video games. I thought Jennifer did a great presentation; it was clear, concise, and interesting.
Citron Plant
6 months ago