Monday, May 11, 2009
The working conditions of these Gold Farmers is comparable to that of a sweat shop. Long hours, low wages, and unsanitary sleeping and eating conditions. The people hired to play are forced to work 12 hours a day with little or no breaks. And what's worse is that they cannot even escape because they give up their citizens card.
I particularly liked this project because it was video game related and like I said I like video games. I thought Jennifer did a great presentation; it was clear, concise, and interesting.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Youtube will ruin your grades!!!
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Presentation
Monday, April 27, 2009
Swine Flu
The swine flu is a strain of the influenza(Flu) virus that originated In Mexico. And what's scary about it is that influenza such as the swine flu, is very easily spread and can cause death, but not to worry it is treatable. In case you are worried, I found ways to protect yourself on Wikipedia.
"Recommendations to prevent infection by the virus consist of the standard personal precautions against influenza. This includes frequent washing of hands with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand sanitizers, especially after being out in public. People should avoid touching their mouth, nose or eyes with their hands unless they've washed their hands. If people do cough, they should either cough into a tissue and throw it in the garbage immediately or, if they cough in their hand, they should wash their hands immediately.
Some physicians in the US are recommending the use of masks when in public.[84] The purpose of a face mask is to effectively cover a person's mouth and nose so that if a person is around someone who is infected, there is a decreased likelihood of transmission. Recommendations to protect against the avian flu indicated that using a face mask with a rating of N99, N100 or P100 in the United States or a rating of FFP3 in Europe should be effective in protecting against transmission.[85] While face masks with these ratings provide 99% or greater efficiency in protecting against flu transmission, N95 or FFP2 face masks provide about 94% efficiency.[86] N95 and FFP2 rated face masks may therefore also be effective."
I know wearing those masks will probably make you look silly, but it'll save your life and a lot of trouble.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I find that the class wiki is very unorganized. For instance in my assigned page New media in politics, I see a section in the middle about how President Barack Obama had used new media in the elections, after that there is a section on international politics and New media, and after that there is again another section on how Obama used new media. So other than just trying to post sections and pages onto the class wiki, I wanted to help edit and organize the information within the page.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
If there was a Baruch blog, students can utilize the blog to discuss general topics, ask questions, etc. Also there can be course specific blogs related to Baruch, such as a CIS, English, accounting courses blogs. Blogs are also a good way for students to get to know each other, which i think is a good method of getting to know one another for socially challenged people.
Second Life
Virtual worlds have been a big success as a method of teaching students. Colleges such as Harvard has used second life to host class room discussions, debates and other class activities, and has proven quite successful. Baruch could use virtual worlds in similar fashions that otehr colleges has used them and also Baruch can easily build its Virtual Vertical Campus building since the Interior of the VC building is almost identical at every floor.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Old VS. New
Youtube for example allows users to communicate with via comment box, message box, and even video responses. People have gotten together from all over the world to do some sort of video collaboration. Here's one of my most favorite collaborations.
But collaborations don't necessarily have to take place in one room, such as this collab: Youtube Madlibs.
And community wise, the community in youtube is exactly like a community you can find in the the area around your neighborhood. You know ,laughing with one another, and fighting with one another, here is an example from the youtube page of the new transformers trailer.
Flash11l19 (1 day ago)
Die motherf*****
Christopherno1 (1 day ago)
lol grow up kid and get a brain
xerpent888 (1 day ago)
f*** you motherf*****! do you know how to make a good movie a**hole?
vangelisxcbuy (1 day ago)
this will be epic
trumpxcard (1 day ago)
effin agree with you.
Don't use just feel the love within this community!!!!!
And typically a media has to be digital and a website to be considered New Media. A newspaper, a book, or tv does not count. If a website does not have one of the 5 C's it might not be considered a new media.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Virtual worlds offer users the ability to interact and communicate in ways that aren't possible with other applications or internet sites such as facebook, or instant messaging. With a character that represents the user, called an avatar, users are able to personalize and have fun with creating their avatar to show others. People have actually made money on virtual worlds such as second life, by creating clothing for avatars they are able to sell it to users for real money.
Friday, March 20, 2009
To me Virtual worlds would be an evolved form of social networking websites. If you could somehow merge facebook and secondlife together... I don't know, you think of the possibilities.
New media has enhanced the old media we use now by making everything more interactive, and collaborative. It's hard to talk about a news article in the news paper with others, but with New Media it is very easy to express one's thoughts and emotions about news just by posting on a blog, or a website.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Blogs on the other hand, are used in many other ways. Blogs can be informative, but the content is usually of personal matters. A blog typically contains an opinion of one single author and cannot be edited by others. Some use blogs as a diary, or some use it to keep people informed about events that are happening to them. Just like wikis, there can be specialized blogs that usually have information pertaining to one general topic. Motley moose specializes in politics and has a community that can write on its page. Users collaborate to post events and information and opinons on politics
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Facebook was first designed exclusively for college students. You wouldn't expect to find people that aren't in college or did not go to college. After awhile, Facebook started to look more like Myspace, First Facebook decided to make its page available to the public. After that, random friend requests started pouring in from people i didn't even know. My female friends in particular would recieve on average 5 friend requests from people they didn't know. Now I'm not sure if that's normal for other social networking sites, but to me Facebook wasn't meant to be like that.
Also they started to create applications for Facebook, similar to myspace. So now i have my friends, my 11 year old cousins, people i don't even know, sending me virtual flowers and cards, asking me to take online quizzes to see if I'm dumb, and many other silly things. Nevertheless the site still has the best design, it is very easy to navigate and very clutter free. I'm sure once people find out that employers check employees Facebooks, that they start to remove their "how dumb are you quizzes" from their pages.
Myspace, the social networking site where you have a page, and behind that an annoying background that has way too many colors, people posting videos, pictures, advertisemnts, and just the most annoying things that make your myspace page 100 feet long.
Myspace i would have to say is used by many stalkers. There are people who friend just about anyone and everyone. Particularly men who friend all the pretty women they find on Myspace. One good thing i would say about myspace is that they allow unknown Musicians to be heard. So if you're trying to get your name out there you can put up a sample of your music and events of upcoming shows.
One thing i noticed about Friendster is that when searching for people there is one thing that stands out under each name, relationship status. That to me made Friendster like a combination of Facebook and a You might say "great that's like two sites into one!", but who actually likes to admit they've been on eharmony or, not that i have anything against people who do.
Friday, February 27, 2009
WARNING - Will make you Hungry!
Whenever a day like valentines day, or an anniversary comes around, I typically like to do something very sweet for my significant other. Of course, rather than buying jewelry or an Ipod which isn't that "meaningful", and other than the fact that I'm poor, I tend to rather do something memorable and meaningful, such as cooking dinner. I'm no professional cook, but I like to cook try and cook fancy meals at the least, and a website i usually check for the best recipes (which is "coincidentally" related to New media) is FoodGawker.

White Chocolate Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies

Oreo Brownie
Food Gawker, according to their website,
" a gallery where food bloggers can showcase their food and photography skills. It's a place for you to discover new sites, dishes, recipes and ingredients to inspire your own cooking..."
This community of food connoisseurs and photographers link their pictures and recipes straight from their own blogs or a website. And just like other community sites, you must first create a user name to submit recipes. There are pages and pages of recipes which or organized just like a blog in reverse chronological order. They have everything from entrées to desserts and recipes from different countries such as France and India. And the pictures are very amazing to look at and it always makes me hungry =)
Sausage and Spinach Stuffed Shells

Sleek Macaroni and Cheese
So if you're into cooking or you need ideas for a dinner you should definitely check out this site. and if you're interested in cooking dinner for me. I'm a Capricorn and I love long walks on the beach. lol....
New Media and Food (Wiki)?
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
What is New Media?
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Term Research Project Description
Description: Many well known colleges and organizations use second life to host some kind of event. Retailers such as American Apparel, Dell, Best Buy and many more have a virtual store inside second life. The makers of Second Life, Linden Labs works with colleges and organizations to teach them how to become familiar with the benefits of Second Life's virtual world.
If you don't know what Second Life is: